
UN Sustainable Development Data


UN Sustainable Development Data encompasses various types of data and indicators that measure progress towards achieving the 17 SDGs and their targets. It includes data related to poverty, education, health, gender equality, climate change, sustainable cities, clean energy, biodiversity, water resources, economic growth, and other dimensions of sustainable development. Read more

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is UN Sustainable Development Data?
UN Sustainable Development Data encompasses various types of data and indicators that measure progress towards achieving the 17 SDGs and their targets. It includes data related to poverty, education, health, gender equality, climate change, sustainable cities, clean energy, biodiversity, water resources, economic growth, and other dimensions of sustainable development.

2. How is UN Sustainable Development Data collected?
UN Sustainable Development Data is collected through a combination of national statistical systems, surveys, administrative records, and other data sources. National statistical agencies, international organizations, and specialized agencies collect, analyze, and report data on specific SDG indicators. Data collection methods may include household surveys, censuses, administrative records, satellite imagery, and remote sensing technologies.

3. What information is included in UN Sustainable Development Data?
UN Sustainable Development Data includes a wide range of information relevant to the SDGs, such as poverty rates, literacy rates, access to healthcare, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy production, biodiversity indicators, water quality, employment rates, GDP growth, and social inequality measures. The specific data indicators vary for each SDG target.

4. How is UN Sustainable Development Data used?
UN Sustainable Development Data is used to monitor progress towards achieving the SDGs at global, regional, national, and local levels. It helps governments, policymakers, international organizations, researchers, and civil society organizations understand the current state of sustainable development, identify areas that require intervention, track progress over time, and develop evidence-based policies and strategies to promote sustainable development.

5. Who uses UN Sustainable Development Data?
UN Sustainable Development Data is utilized by a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, policymakers, international organizations, research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), businesses, and advocacy groups. These entities use the data to inform decision-making, develop policies, allocate resources, measure the impact of interventions, and advocate for sustainable development practices.

6. What are the benefits of using UN Sustainable Development Data?
Using UN Sustainable Development Data allows for evidence-based decision-making and policy development to address key global challenges. It enables monitoring progress towards the SDGs, identification of gaps and priorities, and tracking the impact of interventions and policies. It also facilitates international comparisons, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among stakeholders working towards common sustainable development objectives.

7. What are the challenges in using UN Sustainable Development Data?
There are challenges in collecting, analyzing, and using UN Sustainable Development Data. These include issues related to data availability, quality, consistency, and comparability across countries. There may be gaps in certain data indicators, particularly in low-income countries. Additionally, ensuring data privacy, addressing data biases, and harmonizing data methodologies across countries and regions are ongoing challenges in utilizing UN Sustainable Development Data effectively.