Job Openings Data


North Korea

Data Samples


Techsalerator’s Job Openings Data for North Korea provides a comprehensive collection of information vital for businesses, job seekers, and labor market analysts. This dataset offers an in-depth look into job openings across various sectors in North Korea, capturing and categorizing job-related data from multiple sources, including company websites, job boards, and recruitment agencies.

Top 5 Most Utilized Data Fields

  1. Job Posting Date: This field records the date when a job opening is officially posted. For job seekers and HR professionals, knowing this date is crucial for tracking the latest opportunities and understanding recruitment trends.
  2. Job Title: This field specifies the title of the job position being advertised. Identifying the job title helps job seekers and recruitment agencies to categorize and filter openings based on industry roles and career interests.
  3. Company Name: This field lists the name of the company offering the job position. Understanding which companies are hiring can help job seekers target their applications and assist businesses in identifying competitors and market trends.
  4. Job Location: This field provides the geographic location of the job opening within North Korea. Job seekers use this information to find opportunities in specific regions, while employers can analyze regional talent availability and market conditions.
  5. Job Description: This field includes a detailed description of the job responsibilities, required qualifications, and other relevant details. The job description is essential for candidates to assess whether they meet the job requirements and for recruiters to clearly communicate job expectations.

Top 5 Types of Job Openings in North Korea

  1. Government Positions: Most jobs in North Korea are government-related, with positions in various ministries, local government offices, and state-run enterprises.
  2. Military Service: Military service is compulsory, and many positions within the military are available, ranging from general soldiers to technical roles in military research and development.
  3. Agricultural Work: Agriculture is a significant part of the economy, with many job openings in collective farms (cooperatives) and state farms.
  4. Industrial Work: Jobs in manufacturing, particularly in heavy industries such as steel production, mining, and textiles, are prevalent.
  5. Construction: The government frequently initiates large-scale construction projects, creating jobs in building, infrastructure development, and maintenance.

Top 5 Employers with Job Openings Data in North Korea

  1. Korean People's Army (KPA): The military is one of the largest employers in the country, with a constant need for personnel.
  2. State Enterprises: Large state-owned enterprises in sectors like mining, metallurgy, and textiles are major employers.
  3. Ministry of Agriculture: The agricultural sector employs a significant portion of the population, particularly in rural areas.
  4. Construction and Development Units: Government-led construction projects offer employment in urban and rural development projects.
  5. Educational Institutions: Universities, schools, and research institutions offer positions for educators, scientists, and administrators.

Accessing Techsalerator’s Job Openings Data

If you’re interested in obtaining Techsalerator’s Job Openings Data for North Korea, please contact with your specific requirements. Techsalerator will provide a customized quote based on the number of data fields and records you need, with the dataset available for delivery within 24 hours. Ongoing access options can also be discussed as needed.

Included Data Fields

  • Job Posting Date
  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Job Location
  • Job Description
  • Application Deadline
  • Job Type (Full-time, Part-time, Contract)
  • Salary Range
  • Required Qualifications
  • Contact Information

For detailed insights into job openings and employment trends in North Korea, Techsalerator’s dataset is an invaluable resource for businesses, job seekers, and labor market analysts aiming to stay informed and make strategic decisions.



How much does the Job Openings Data Dataset for North Korea cost?

A: The cost of the Job Openings Data Dataset can vary depending on factors such as the number of data fields, the frequency of updates, and the total number of records required. For precise pricing details, it is best to consult directly with a Techsalerator Data specialist who can provide a customized quote based on your specific needs.

How complete is the coverage of the Job Openings Data in North Korea?

A: Techsalerator’s Job Openings Data for North Korea provides extensive coverage of job listings across various sectors and regions within the country. The dataset aggregates information from approximately 5,462 job postings sources daily, ensuring a thorough snapshot of the employment landscape and job availability in North Korea.

How does Techsalerator collect this data?

A: Techsalerator collects Job Openings Data from a range of reliable sources, including company websites, job boards, recruitment platforms, and industry-specific job listings. The data is carefully curated to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness, providing valuable insights into the job market and employment trends in North Korea.

Can I select specific job sectors or focus on particular regions within North Korea with Techsalerator's Job Openings Data?

A: Techsalerator offers the flexibility to filter job openings based on specific sectors or regions within North Korea. While the primary dataset provides broad coverage, customization options are available to focus on particular industries or locations as needed. Discuss your specific requirements with a Techsalerator representative to tailor the dataset to your needs.

How do I pay for this dataset?

A: Techsalerator accepts various payment methods to ensure a convenient and secure transaction process. Payment options include credit cards, direct transfers, ACH (Automated Clearing House), and wire transfers. You can select the payment method that best suits your preferences.

How do I receive the data?

A: Techsalerator provides the Job Openings Data through multiple delivery methods to facilitate easy access and integration. Options include FTP, SFTP, S3 bucket, or email. The dataset can be delivered in formats such as JSON, CSV, TXT, or XLS, allowing you to choose the format that best fits your data processing and integration requirements.


Commercial Models


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Data subscription (Monthly Updates)  
Data subscription (Quarterly Updates)  
Data subscription (Annual Updates)  

Suitable Company Sizes

Small Business


Data Coverage


S3 Bucket
Pricing available upon request

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